cine, Danny Zuko, Grease, Joel Thurm, John Travolta, musical, Olivia Newton-John, Sandra Dee, Sandy Olsson, vaselina / agosto / 10 / 22 ¡Olivia Newton-John casi rechazó protagonizar Grease!
ABBA, Grease, John Travolta, Making a good time Better, MCA, Olivia Newton-John, RSO Records, Sandy Olsson, The promise, UNICEF, Universal Studios, Warm & Tender / agosto / 8 / 22 ¡3 Claves para entender el legado de Olivia Newton-John!
detective pikachu, Fresh off the boat, Grease, Guillermo del Toro, He-Man, it, Mad Men, nostalgia, one day at a time, Stephen King, stranger things, The Shape of Water / mayo / 18 / 19 Nostalgia en la Cultura Pop: ¿por qué la admiramos tanto?